Share/Transfer profile/folder

1. Share/transfer profile

Share profile

To share your profile with other Hidemyacc users, follow these steps.

Step 1: Select a profile

Step 2: Click Share profile.

Step 3: Enter the email you want to share the profile with. You can also choose the sub account email to share if you want.

Step 4: Select the profile permission: View, Edit or Admin.

Step 5: Click Send.

Transfer profile

To transfer a profile to another Hidemyacc user, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select a profile

Step 2: Click Transfer profile

Step 3: Enter your Hidemyacc account password and select Next.

Step 4: Enter the email address of the Hidemyacc account you want to transfer the profile to.

Step 5: Click Send.

Please note that after successfully transferring your profile, you will no longer have access to these profiles.

2. Share folder

To share a folder with another Hidemyacc user, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the three dots in the folder you want to share (next to the folder name).

Step 2: Enter another Hidemyacc account email address.

Step 3: Select profile permissions: View, Edit or Admin.

Step 4: Click Send to complete.

Last updated