Add proxy to Proxy Manager

Follow these steps to know how to add proxies to Proxy Manager

Step 1: Click on "Add Proxy" button

Step 2: Fill in the proxy information

  • Proxy connection type: HTTP, Socks 4, or Socks 5.

  • Proxy list: Add proxies in the format IP:Port:Username:Password. If adding multiple proxies at once, place each proxy on a separate line.

  • Tags: To group these proxies by , making it easier to search for proxies based on tags.

  • Expiration date: You can set an expiration date for the proxy to remember its validity.

  • Notes: You can add if needed.

Step 4: Press "Add" to complete the process.


You can check the activity status of proxies by selecting all and clicking "Check Proxy". The system will automatically verify their status.

In the "Edit Proxies" section, you can quickly modify tags, expiration dates, and notes for proxies.

Select "Copy proxy" to quickly copy all the proxies.

You can delete one or multiple proxies by choosing them and click on button Delete. Please note that deleted proxies cannot be recovered, so carefully check the proxies before deleting to avoid regrettable situations.

Last updated