Check hardware fingerprints and browser fingerprints

Every time you create a new profile, your profile’s hardware fingerprints are automatically changed in the Advanced tab.

Video Instructions:

First, Run a Profile and check your hardware and browser fingerprints on (This is the website we highly recommend you check your profile’s fingerprint on)

In this example, we will use the Profile with: - Operating System: Android Samsung Galaxy S9+ (SM-G9650). Firmware version: 10 - Browser: Chrome version 97.0.4692.70 - Location: Hong Kong (HK)

In, you can check your LOCATION details

Second, on the BROWSER section, we are using a Profile with: - Operating System: Android Samsung Galaxy S9+ (SM-G9650), Firmware version: 10. - Browser: Chrome version 97.0.4692.70.

Next, on the EXTENDED section, you can compare the different between your Real Computer's fingerprints and Hidemyacc Profiles' fingerprints.

In NAVIGATOR section, pay attention at AppVersion, Platform, and UserAgent

Lastly, on SCREEN section, you can check the different between Hidemyacc Profile and Real Computer screen specifications

Last updated