Variables command group


With the Variables command, you can add variables of the following data types:

  1. Text: Alphabetic characters (e.g., ID, Name,...)

  2. Number: Numeric values, including integers and decimals (e.g., 0, 5, 10, 13, 0.5, 0.8,...)

  3. Boolean: Logical values, with only two possible states: True and False. True represents the satisfaction of a condition, while False represents the dissatisfaction of a condition.

  4. Object: Reference data type, capable of storing various data types within a single variable.

  5. Array: Array data type, where you need to input an array formatted as JSON.

  6. File: You can add any type of file such as .txt, .docx, .xlsx,...

You must enter a variable name when adding to declare its existence, but it's not necessary to add a value as you can assign a value when creating automation scripts.

After adding variables, you can search for them by name or delete them if not in use.

Set variable

To assign a value to a variable when creating an automation script, use the Set variable command, including:

  1. Variable: Select the variable to assign a value to, usually empty variables (without a pre-added value).

  2. Operator: Choose the operation to perform.

  • Assign "=": Assign a value to the variable.

  • Number "+,-,*,/": Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on numbers.

  • Other "Concatenate": Concatenate strings or add elements to an array.

  1. Variable/value/number: Assign a value, a number, or another variable (previously added using the Variables command) to the variable.

Slice variable

Use the Slice variable command to read and slice strings. For example, if you want to read a file and separate its data into individual variables:

  1. Variable: Choose the variable containing the string to read or slice.

  2. Object: Select the type of string read.

  • Any line: Choose any string per line.

  • A line with delimiter: Choose to read/slice strings within the same line. If you select this object type, you will need to specify:

    • Any line: Choose any string within that line.

    • Delete line after used: Delete the string after reading.

  • Multiple lines with delimiter: Choose to read/slice strings across different lines. You need to set additional options as follows:

    • Any line: Choose any string within those lines.

    • Delete line after used: Delete the string after reading.

  1. Delimiter: Input the character identifying the string delimiter (e.g., ";", "|",...). If you don't enter a delimiter, the system will take all text in that line.

  2. New variable name: Assign the sliced string data to new variables.

Export variable

The Export variable command is used to export variable values to a new file. This command is typically used after the Slice variable command to save the data of a sliced file.

  1. Variable: Choose the variable containing the value to export.

  2. Output: Select the file to export the value to. You need to create a file on your computer and paste the file path here.

  3. Mode: Select the type of value writing.

  • Overwrite: Overwrite the file. This writing type will replace the entire current content of the file with the new data you provide.

  • Append: Append data. This writing type will append data line by line or write to the same line of the file, depending on the settings:

    • New lines: Write to a new line.

    • Same lines: Write to the same line. If writing to the same line, you need to enter a "Delimiter" - the character separating strings.

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